Theatre & Other Event Venues
Public assembly venues play today a highly significant role in the social life of modern society. These places have multiple uses. As a rule, public buildings constructed to be public assembly venues have clearly distinct purposes and, therefore, the design of these buildings and their equipment match these purposes. Only in rare cases do we meet the concept “Multi-Purpose Hall”. However, big buildings operating as “show venues” have the appropriate technological equipment and installations to function as “multi-purpose halls”. As for small buildings, it is known that needs are usually met with the use of mobile or makeshift equipment. Surprisingly enough, there are several private equipment rental firms that somehow satisfy the user’s demands, only to some extent though.
These venues may be intended for the following purposes:

• Theatrical shows
• Film screenings
• Musical events
• Dancing performances
• Speech events
• Congress venues
• Social events

Stage – Τechnology
Stage Engineering is the electrical-engineering system of a building, comprising an engine area with calculated special hoist units to lift heavy loads vertically. The system operates in a safe automated way by taking into account parameters, such as load weights, velocities, height adjustments etc. Modern Stage Engineering has the potential to set and memorize the optimal inclinations of sound reflectors and desirable forms of the acoustic shell, so that these are stored and automatically selected when necessary.
In big multi-purpose buildings, Acoustic Engineers and Stage Engineers collaborate closely to bring forward the ideal design of both buildings and equipment.
Studies work upon many different aspects, such as construction of the performance hall, stage, storage& service premises, with the aim of meeting all requirements for a good and safe operation. They are concerned with all metal in structures essential for the installation of stage equipment, theatrical lighting and audio-visual systems.
It also provides for all stage and overstage equipment, i.e. motor mechanisms, systems, constructions and accessories that ensure the proper operation of event halls as Congress Venues, Stage Theaters, Cinemas and Concert Halls. In addition, it includes systems for transportation, distribution and storage of scenery, sound reflectors, screens and light fixtures in the interior of the building.
It includes all mechanisms for ‘masking’ of visual alignments and for all-purpose and all-function directing as mentioned above. It also includes the automation system and software required for the smooth operation of systems.

Detailed Presentation
Construction – Space Specifications
During the last years, the audience and all cultural production stakeholders have more expectations and higher demands regarding standards of event and show areas.
Primary aim is the construction of a complex that will meet the demands of the contemporary viewer, artist and technician, along with the integration of modern Stage Engineering equipment and Audiovisual Systems.
A general rule of dimensions is that the useable height of the stage tower is at least twice as high as the stage mouth +3 meters. For example, if the mouth is 5m high, the stage tower needs to have a free height of at least 5Χ2+3=13m.
It should be pointed out that in some regions of the country where high buildings are forbidden, buildings in the stage tower area are designed so as to be underground.
The space required for the engine room is a crucial point to be taken into account. As a rule, two spaces are required for two arrays of machines placed on each side of the central axis.
The width of each zone should be at least 2,5m.
The minimum difference in height between the machines and the pulley rooms is 2,2m. The engine areas may be positioned either on a metal runway–which is the most common case- or, if possible, at the basement of the building.
To design the above, it is important to reinforce and take advantage of the static element, for there are considerable mobile loads.
Ensuring access to all mechanism points is highly significant so that construction and maintenance of the systems are performed with safety.
Sufficient labeling is essential, so that users can easily follow directions regarding spaces and use of machinery.
Acoustic Engineers and Stage Engineers cooperate closely in order to provide for curtain masses -that will ensure sufficient power- and other parameters related to the equipment.